Retail & Consumer Products

Retail & Consumer Products

Consumer products and retail companies face new challenges every day: rising costs, slow growth and technology-enabled shoppers to name a few. Achieving sustainable performance improvement requires innovative strategies, perspective and perseverance. Our philosophy is simple – produce results, not reports. We focus on delivering value, and on building our clients’ capabilities.

At Raps Technologies We work with leading consumer products and retail companies to strategically address the industry-specific issues posed by today’s fast-changing technology and society.

To succeed in today’s low-growth, low-margin environment, retailers need a comprehensive, transformational approach if they want to be able to respond to high-growth channels and emerging markets. Our consumer-driven supply chain offer allows companies’ supply chains to be more connected, intelligent and scalable ,while being able to quickly respond to multiple simultaneous demands.

Our global professionals have the knowledge to help you challenge and disrupt entrenched ways of thinking. Whether you want to improve organizational agility, drive value from digital marketing spend; deploy talent effectively across markets,or re-engineer your supply chain for greater flexibility, we have the skills you need to succeed. Understand our point of view on key issues in today’s consumer products environment.
