We had started working with IoT (Internet of Things) which allows your surrounding objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across a system.
Nowadays We starts working with AI (Artificial Intelligence) which allows us of making a computer controlled robot, or a software think intelligently.
We had started working with Native Android apps (tablets and phones) as well as HTML5-based mobile sites and back end services (PHP or Ruby on Rails).
As we can do both mobile and web backend, the integration would be better than mobile apps only developers or web apps only developers.
In the field of security our organization had started dealing with antivirus,UTM firewall,data protection with shell scripting language.
In solutions we deal with bigdata like hadoop, cloud computing like joho , CRM like salesforce.
We had started working with the development of mobile applications for various operating systems and we were moving towards mobility. The operating system we work with recently are android, ios, blackberry and many more.
In Digital Internet world, we believe that our apps could go a long way at establishing a successful online presence.
We had started working with designing tools and with open source technologies. Further our work had been responsive using bootstrap, paralax and many other upcoming technologies too.
RAPS developers provides advanced support to our Clients related to open source technologies.
We had started our working with the software development on various languages like php, android, core java, asp.net, cold fusion.
The platforms or softwares that were used by us were net beans, visual studio, dreamweaver.